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Recent Hot Threads:

2023-01-08 06:36:55HKD bbby AMC GME *What is the EXPLOSIVE correlation???* AMTD Digital Inc. *NEW* $65 BILLION Shorted !! HKD GO BRR
2023-01-08 06:36:06HKD AMC BBBY GME *What is the EXPLOSIVE correlation???* AMTD Digital Inc. *NEW* $65 BILLION Shorted !! HKD going brr next week
2023-01-08 03:25:47$AMTD Digital Inc. Make sure you guys keep an eye on the Hong Kong Market Open. 8:30pm Eastern Time tonight for news, catalyst that can trigger this stock to go down or up. I am holding here. Great indicator for us here in the US.
2023-01-07 21:53:46It s a new day, $AMTD Digital Inc. Do not look past the extreme bullish indicators either HKD go Brrr

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