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BAND Activity Momentum within past 24 hours

BAND Momentum in 12 Hours on Wallstreetbets

BAND Daily Activity Trend

(as a % of total daily activity on wallstreetbets)

BAND Activity Trend on Wallstreetbets

Recent Hot Threads:

2022-08-24 00:26:12$BAND | Conspiracy Theory Thread | Leaked Emails
2022-08-22 22:38:30$BAND | Insiders add $1.17 million in share purchases | Competitor takes 6.5% stake | very low float
2022-08-22 01:57:55$BAND | Continued insider buying | Competitor takes 6.5% stake | 25mm share float | 15% SI

Questions and Suggestions? You can find me at twitter/@wsbnerrd