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GSAT Activity Momentum within past 24 hours

GSAT Momentum in 12 Hours on Wallstreetbets

GSAT Daily Activity Trend

(as a % of total daily activity on wallstreetbets)

GSAT Activity Trend on Wallstreetbets

Recent Hot Threads:

2022-09-17 17:04:33Massive insidertrades (buy) in Globalstar $GSAT -
2022-09-14 08:08:12CEO and directors of Globalstar $GSAT are purchasing more and more shares after the Apple partnership
2022-09-13 06:29:02Globalstar (GSAT): Insiders Are Aggressively Buying
2022-09-11 20:37:31GSAT Deal With Apple To Use 24 Of Their Satellites Starting With IPhone 14
2022-09-10 05:07:21So why did Apple choose $GSAT to partner with over all the other telecom companies?
2022-09-08 20:18:02Elon HAD discussions with $AAPL about using SpaceX for their satellite services, they chose $GSAT instead
2022-09-08 04:29:28Why is $GSAT tanking despite the Apple news?

Questions and Suggestions? You can find me at twitter/@wsbnerrd