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TBLT Activity Momentum within past 24 hours

TBLT Momentum in 12 Hours on Wallstreetbets

TBLT Daily Activity Trend

(as a % of total daily activity on wallstreetbets)

TBLT Activity Trend on Wallstreetbets

Recent Hot Threads:

2022-07-25 07:26:47#TBLT share offering! 192% short interest! Can it SQUEEZE again? new price targets
2022-07-22 23:08:01#TBLT can move 100% from here? $15-$20 possible? 130%+ short interest! Price targets this week
2022-07-22 23:07:32#TBLT can move 100% from here? $15-$20 possible? 130%+ short interest! Price targets this week
2022-07-21 23:33:36TBLT - keep pushing boys!
2022-07-21 11:22:37#TBLT 132% short interest and its ready to SQUEEZE. My price targets
2022-07-21 11:22:12#TBLT 132% short interest and its ready to SQUEEZE. My price targets
2022-07-20 21:27:36TBLT - 132% short, small float. Saw it posted yesterday, checked it out.

Questions and Suggestions? You can find me at twitter/@wsbnerrd