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TSLA Activity Momentum within past 24 hours

TSLA Momentum in 12 Hours on Wallstreetbets

TSLA Daily Activity Trend

(as a % of total daily activity on wallstreetbets)

TSLA Activity Trend on Wallstreetbets

Recent Hot Threads:

2023-08-11 15:30:57Calls on TSLA
2023-08-11 07:41:37TSLA Yolo Debit Spreads.
2023-08-10 22:26:14Y all $TSLA stans be everywhere and the copium is next level
2023-08-04 16:24:50$2880 to $28k in TSLA puts in 90 mins. now only down 85% lifetime [don't be like me]
2023-08-03 17:13:44Teddy bear driving an unstoppable Tesla, not even a kid will slow it down! Calls on TSLA!

Questions and Suggestions? You can find me at twitter/@wsbnerrd