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RKLY Momentum in 12 Hours on Wallstreetbets

RKLY Daily Activity Trend

(as a % of total daily activity on wallstreetbets)

RKLY Activity Trend on Wallstreetbets

Recent Hot Threads:

2021-09-21 05:24:50$RKLY - I believe I can Fly - the SPAC with a low float, high SI, high CTB, 100% Utilization, also a company that has Apple as a client, and isn t a complete turd
2021-09-21 04:36:27$RKLY - I believe I can Fly - the SPAC with a low float, high SI, high CTB, 100% Utilization, also a company that has Apple as a client, and isn t a complete turd
2021-09-20 05:58:56$RKLY - the IRNT-like opportunity retail hasn't discovered yet (made by the guy who called IRNT)

Questions and Suggestions? You can find me at twitter/@wsbnerrd